Harmonic Beginning Website Disclaimer
All information provided on this website and it’s associated websites and social media accounts are educational in nature and are for educational purposes only. This includes all blogs, downloads, articles, links, books and description of services. The information presented on this website is not intended to represent that the techniques or services are to be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or psychological disorder. It does not offer medical advice and it should not be used as a substitute for medical or psychological care.
Elizabeth Wasserman MA LCPC, Harmonic Heart Living, and Harmonic Beginnings are not entering a professional relationship with the viewer.
The viewer of this website assumes any and all risks associated with using information it contains, agreeing to hold harmless Elizabeth Wasserman MA LCPC, Harmonic Heart Living, and Harmonic Beginnings from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, liability, loss, damage, and/or injury that may occur out of the use of this website. All resources referred to on this site are intended to inform viewers of available resources. Elizabeth Wasserman MA LCPC ,Harmonic Heart Living, and Harmonic Beginnings assume no liability based on the viewer's use of these resources.
While music training programs have demonstrated remarkable effects for emotional, mental, and physical well- being, there has not been sufficient clinical research to identify the the extent of the risks and benefits of such treatment. While all information is shared in good faith, the validity, efficacy, accuracy and outcome cannot be guaranteed. Elizabeth Wasserman MA LCPC , Harmonic Heart Living, and Harmonic Beginnings accept no liability or responsibility for the use of shared content of this site.
Elizabeth Wasserman MA LCPC , Harmonic Heart Living, and Harmonic Beginnings strongly advise that you seek professional advice as appropriate before implementing any protocol or opinion expressed on this website, including but not limited to use of music programs or meditations, and before making any health decision. If any court of law rules that any part of the Disclaimer is invalid, the Disclaimer stands as if those parts were struck out.
​© 2015 Harmonic Heart Living LLC
All Rights Reserved. Please read our Legal Disclaimers.